A Always carry small bills in the local currency.
B Bring only the necessities and nothing more.
C Carry a small pack for day excursions.
D Don't get into a taxi without having a ballpark fare in mind.
E Every culture has its redeeming attributes; find them.
F Friends: those least like you will teach you the most.
G Greet each new day with a sense of adventure.
H Have a bottle of water with you everywhere you go.
I Inform your credit card company of your travels before you leave.
J Jurisdiction. Obey the laws in the countries you visit.
K Keep a close eye on your valuables at all times.
Listen more than you speak. Learn from those around you.
M Manage your time and money so that you have no regrets.N Never check luggage unless absolutely necessary.
O Open mind: approach new customs, culture and cuisine with it.
P Pay attention to your surroundings especially at night.
Q Question your experiences. Challenge the status quo.
R Remember to respect and practice the
local customs.
S Share your experiences and journey with others.T Take down the address of your lodging in case you get lost.
U Underwater camera photos often turn out blue.
V Vacation: use it all. Life is for living.
W Wherever you go get lost in the world around you.
X X-ray machines: take out your laptop and liquids.
Y You represent your homeland. Act with dignity.
Z Zip up your pack and watch out for pick pockets.
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